Sex & Relationships In Pregnancy

In a low risk pregnancy, sex is perfectly safe, although your levels of desire may fluctuate throughout pregnancy. Most women report that their interest in sex is the same of slightly reduced in the first trimester. In the second trimester, it varies from woman to woman and in the third trimester libido often falls.


During the first trimester, the hormonal changes that cause nausea, vomiting, and tiredness can naturally result in a reduced interest in sex. However, other pregnancy changes may increase your desire, such as an increased blood flow, which produces swelling in the clitoris and labia and extra vaginal secretions.
In the second trimester especially, vaginal lubrications and intensity of orgasm can increase, which may be accompanied by gentle contractions that harden the abdomen; these are normal and nothing to worry about. Many women find that their libido falls towards the end of their pregnancy as a bigger bump makes sex more awkward and uncomfortable, and they may also feel increasingly anxious about the birth.


Partners have a range of feelings towards sex in pregnancy. While some find their partners new, fuller shape particularly sensuous, others feel apprehensive about sexy, fearing that they may harm the baby.
Some feel a combinations of these emotions. Unless there are concerns about the pregnancy, it’s generally thought that sex won’t cause harm, as your baby is well protected by the amniotic fluid and your uterus, and the mucus plug sealing the cervix protects against infection.


Some women experience vaginal bleeding after sex in pregnancy. This is most likely harmless and is often caused by the increased blood flow to the cervix in pregnancy, which can cause it to bleed on contact with your partners penis. If this is the cause, the bleeding should settle after the birth. However as there are other possible causes, report any bleeding to your doctor.
Apart from the size of your bump causing discomfort during sex, some women experience pain during sex towards the end of the pregnancy as the baby moves further into the pelvis; or they may find that the contractions that can accompany and orgasm become increasingly uncomfortable. These symptoms are u likely to be a cause for concern, but it’s worth mentioning them to your doctor for reassurance.
There are some circumstances in late pregnancy when intercourse may not be safe. This can be the case if you’ve had a previous premature labour or risk factors for premature labour, such a weak cervix, or if you have placenta paevia, or leakage of amniotic fluid which can mean your water shave broken.

If you have any concerns, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for advise. Being able to enjoy sex in pregnancy can help your and your partner to feel close during this time of transition.
Indeed, psychologists have found that couples who enjoy sex in pregnancy are more tender towards each other and communicate better after birth.